Your IP is your biggest edge.
Do you know what your biggest edge against AI is? It’s your creativity. Your ideas. Your IP. That’s what makes you unbeatable.
Do you know what your biggest edge against AI is?
No, it's not the fact that you can pull an entire night long scrolling through every new coin on dexscreener. And no, it’s not your impressive ability to demolish 10 burgers in one go either.
It’s your creativity. Your ideas. Your IP. That’s what makes you unbeatable.
What's IP?
Unless you've been living under a rock since birth, you've already come across IP in one way or another. Actually, you maybe even not realized it.
But first, let's give a quick definition of IP.
No, it doesn’t mean Internet Protocol here, sorry nerds. We’re talking about intellectual property.
Using overcomplicated expressions, IP is defined as the rights granted to individuals or organizations over their creations, inventions, or works of the mind.
This is pure mental masturbation. Really, it’s just like owning ideas—kind of like owning a car or a house.
Let's say you invented a special recipe for a cake. The cake itself can be eaten by anyone, but the recipe (yea, the idea behind the cake) is yours.
Intellectual property is the protection that says, “This recipe is mine, and no one can use it without asking me first.”
This doesn't just apply to recipes; AI models, Pepe, Fortnite skins, music, and much more can all be considered as intellectual property.
Story and programmable IP
The main idea behind Story is pretty simple: take intellectual property and bring it onto the blockchain, making it programmable.
I know, you probably have questions about what "programmable" means. But first, let’s look at why IP and blockchain are a perfect match.
IP is one of the biggest assets in the world, maybe even the biggest. We’ve seen how valuable and broad it can be. Right now, IP is mostly stored on paper at a central authority.
Okay, maybe they’ve upgraded to digital files now, but the key point is that your IP is protected by... a centralized system.
I won't sell you all the benefits of blockchain again, but it goes from things like transparency and permissionless access, to immutability and more.
I promised you to come back to programmability, so there we go.
Another key benefit of blockchain is its programmability. Simply put, this means you can do almost anything through smart contracts.
Want to monetize your IP? Go for it. Want to borrow money using your IP? You can do that too.
With programmability, your IP becomes 10 times more useful. And it's permissionless, which means it's accessible to anyone, not just your favorite super-famous singer.
IP in an AI world
As a smart person, you’ve probably already connected the dots between IP and AI. If not, don’t worry, you're still super smart and I’m here to connect them for you.
The key to AI is data. Without good data, AI sucks.
So who mainly creates data? Who mostly produces the information AI consumes? That’s right, that's us, humans.
As you create valuable and unique content, you don’t want AI to just steal it. Spoiler: it won’t even say “Thanks” let alone pay you for it.
(That’s where it should click for you)
Yes, IP is designed to protect your ideas. It’s there to protect the photos you’ve taken that night, the content you’ve written, the stats @0xBreadguy computed and all the things that matter to you. It’s your defense against anyone using your work without permission.
With Story, you can easily register your IP and monetize it. Let’s say an AI wants to generate images based on your photos? No problem but you should get paid for it. Created some awesome content and AI wants to use it for its model? You should get paid for that too.
Programmable IP is all about making sure your ideas are protected and that you get compensated whenever they’re used.
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